@Wlork @MrHazbin these fixes have been implemented
- Fixed colours for "nightmode" when site "dark mode" does not match user dark/light setting
- Fixed unable to install pallet theme alongside nightmode
- Fixed site width on tablets
- Fixed tag label colour by removing the hard-coded override so it defaults back to the tag colour
- Line heights can be set in custom CSS easily enough, I can help you out with that if you like.
The outstanding item is the colour customisation, which is a bigger job since there are hard-coded colors sprinkled throughout the code. For example, if you change the background color, the sidebar and a handful of other elements might look a bit off. Here's an example with a green background:

If you like, I can release what I have now on the fork so you can at least have a look at it, we can have a look at theme/colour customisation as admin settings for a later release? @Wlork @MrHazbin, let me know what you think.
@luceos thanks for your help.
Does this look right for re-publishing the extension?
- update the details in composer.json with my own details (package name, add to authors)
- update namespaces in the code (e,g, change the-turk/... to mad-eye-deer/...)
- update the version number with a new tag and merge to the main branch
- update the readme with new details, including a link back to original repo and credit to @Kylo, install instructions
- submit the fork to packagist
- add a post to the original pallet theme thread saying that I will be continuing its maintenance