Bek Hey @Kulga, how do you installed extensions from dev-master branch?
in my example composer.json
"bek/flarum-ext-turkish": "dev-master",
If you want to check if your latest updates are reflected, use your github commit hash and my commit page to match them up. Checking the Upgraded time -> Upgraded May 22 09:00 UTC is another method (but not as certain - adjust to your time zone). If your github hash and my commit show the same hash, they are running identical code.

jordanjay29 I believe at the moment he installs release tagged third party extensions, but dev-master for flarum/core and its first party extensions.
Currently everything is in dev-master . You can view this in commits (former in beta.5 and latter devflarum)
s9e/flarum-ext-mediaembed 0.3.2 Embed third-party content in your Flarum.
s9e/flarum-ext-mediaembed dev-master 2d4fce9 Embed third-party content in your Flarum.
As for debugging why it's not working in your forum, that should be in it's own thread (as jordanjay29 noted)