I was trying to set up a blog in the forum (activated the blog extension), but the blog articles aren't publicly accessible.
It only shows the error "An error occurred while trying to load this page." if someone tries to visit the blog.
EDIT: The Blog extension is very buggy.
Even if normal users aren't allowed to create blog posts, they can choose the tag, but after trying to publish they get a red error "You do not have permission to do that.", but the blog article will be published anyway.
After I've deactivated and activated the plugin again, this was fixed and normal users couldn't see the blog tag anymore while composing, but now there are blog posts, which can't be deleted (no delete option available).
Like this post: https://utopify.freeflarum.com/blog/17-spam-blog (you can't see it, because the first problem was, that blog articles aren't publicly accessible) :/
EDIT 2: It could be possible that I haven't updated the website in my browser (while testing with normal users) and that the UI still thought that normal users are allowed to post with the tag "blog", which led to blog articles, which couldn't be deleted by the admin. (Just a theory)
I couldn't solve those problems, because even after de-/activating the blog extension, I can't see any published articles, not even if I write new ones as an admin.
I think I broke something in my forum... but it was a test forum anyway...
Is it possible to wipe a forum and restart with a fresh installation? Or would it be the right way to abandon the old forum and let the bots delete it after it was unused for a time and just start with a new one?
EDIT 3: I've started all over again, but the Blog extension is still buggy.
After trying to visit a blog article over a link, it only shows an error on the website.